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About Us

Together, we are giving $200 million to charities by 2026

Our Why“Every day, we get out of bed to power positive change that rewards everyone – individuals, businesses, charities and the world.”

The problems…

For Business

Charity is normally seen as a cost to the business and outside core business activities, and businesses are trying to find a cost effective way to stand out as a Socially Responsible business to create real loyalty & engagement.

For Individuals

Dealing with high living expenses, every dollar donated to charity should be impactful. The lack of transparency of where our donation goes and what percentage of it is spent directly on the cause, we are left with a lack of trust in the charity sector. We’re experiencing an all-time high donor fatigue because while there are so many worthy causes to support, their processes are not always automatic and clear.

For Charities

Operating a charity is proving to be difficult and even unsustainable because of the volatility of income. Significant expense and effort is actually required to acquire and maintain a charity’s income streams. So charities never feel “poorer” than ever… until today.

We’ll provide the solutions

CSR Consulting

What if your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) could be an effective profit centre? We’ve mastered a unique and proven method to transform your CSR and let it generate more income for your business by embedding it throughout entire cultures and stakeholder groups.

Doing Good Rewards Program

Blending automated rewards programs with charitable donations, so everyone can make saving money and giving a small % of that saving to charity, a part of their everyday life.

Benefits For Everyone





The Doing Good Team

Brad Langdon

Chief Executive Officer

Peter Baines OAM

Chief CSR Officer

Tim Mitchell-Adams

Chief Customer Officer

Tim Ward

Chief Commercial Officer

Michael Copsey

Head of Technology

Ishara Fernando

Impact & Program Manager

Alex Lau

Marketing Director
The DOING GOOD REWARDS concept is now LIVE with Visa, Mastercard & eftpos automatic recognition payment mechanisms all available & more to come.
If you want to get on board or simply stay up-to-date with the progress as we roll it out, give us a call 1300 014 323 or pop us an email at [email protected]. We look forward to YOU becoming a part of the DOING GOOD MOVEMENT.